Competitive and Pricing Intelligence

In today’s dynamic market,you need to understand what the competition is doing right now – not what they were doing yesterday. Your competitors are constantly releasing new and better products, adopting aggressive pricing strategies, and finding new ways to enter in your channels. Your success depends on accurate, up-to-date competitive and pricing intelligence – decision-grade information that you can act on to maintain and grow your market position.price decision is one of the challenges that the firm faces and if it is made without keeping the competitors price in mind then pricing decision that can affect the business in a negative way.

With our services,you can:

Increase your market share by gathering competitive pricing data and adjusting your prices dynamically.

Optimize your product strategy by assessing customer reaction on social media to new product features.

Understand the competition’s strategy by monitoring product announcements, partnerships and alliances. 
Monitor your competitors’ health by tracking corporate changes, job openings and major announcements.
Manage your reputation by detecting and reacting instantly to negative online reviews and comments.

Protect your brand’s pricing power by looking for unauthorized discounting and flash sales.

Maximize distribution channel power by monitoring inventory levels and detecting supply problems early.


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